Katie Bailey - Therapist

BSc (Hons) Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy Teesside University 2020

GDC NO. 265736

Katie Bailey

Katie has always lived locally and had her first work experience at the age of 14 years old, from then on Katie decided a career in dentistry was for her. She has previous experience as a qualified dental nurse in many different settings including working for dental emergency clinics, something she still participates in when needed. Katie graduated from Teesside University in 2020 as a Dental Hygienist Therapist.

Katie sees herself as a personal trainer for the mouth. She enjoys working and tailoring appointments to each individual needs with an emphasis on healthy mouth, healthy mind. Gaining a patients trust and working with them as a team is at the forefront of all of Katies appointments.

‘It is a privilege to work within a team of health professionals that are committed to giving patients the best possible care using the latest research, techniques and equipment.’

Outside of dentistry Katie enjoys being active and being outside no matter the weather! Her  main activities are hiking, biking and swimming.